the social music revolution
Disturb my thoughts only if you have *something* to say...
the most famous short film ever made, and anyone halfway interested in the cinema sees it sooner or later, usually several times.
Dalí me dit: Moi, cette nuit, j’ai rêvé que des fourmis pullulaient dans ma main.
Et moi: Eh bien! Moi, j’ai rêvé qu’on tranchait l’oeil de quelqu’un.
Brother, you can believe in stones... as long as you don't throw them at me!After I saw that, I was just speachless... Interesting point of view, a new perspective from what I was used to...
All I can say is that when I saw this image I've remembered all of the sudden of a fresh teacher I had in my 1st faculty year. One day she obviously couldn’t make her laptop and the projector work together…
Her solution was to give us the presentation by mail…
Just wish I had this image then... I'm sure it would have been very, very helpful!
Was it worth it to
lose a finger for a
basket of eggs?
If my memory of her
has an expiration date,
let it be 10,000 years...
All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray.
I've been for a walk on a winter's day.
I'd be safe and warm if I was in L.A.;
California dreamin' on such a winter's day.
Stopped in to a church I passed along the way.
Well I got down on my knees and I pretend to pray.
You know the preacher liked the cold;
He knows I'm gonna stay.
California dreamin' on such a winter's day.
All the leaves are brown and the sky is gray.
I've been for a walk on a winter's day.
If I didn't tell her I could leave today;
California dreamin' on such a winter's day.
"Build your product with integrity.. Stay behind it 100% and success will follow."George G. Blaisdell
Well, I have to admit that I was a bit of a collector since I was a child: steel soldiers, coins, badges, stamp and many more. Once, I've even started collecting lighters... even if I'm not smoking anymore, I'm still proud of my Zippo classic lighter, with a brushed chrome finnish.
The Zippo lighter was invented by George G. Blaisdell in 1932 in Pennsylvania. He decided to create a lighter that would look good and be easy to use, so he optained the rights for an Austrian windproof lighter with removable top and redesigned it to his own requirements. He chose this name because he liked the sound of the name of another new product, the zipper.
Here are some other interesting facts:
Zippo lighters gained popularity as "windproof" lighters: able to stay lit in harsh weather. They became popular in the US military, especially during World War II (when all Zippo lighters produced went to the Allied war effort) and during the Vietnam War. Additionally, Zippo lighters are known for the "forever" guarantee they carry: if a Zippo lighter breaks, no matter how old or how many different owners, the company will replace or fix the lighter for free. The only part of a Zippo lighter that carries no warranty is the finish on the outside of the outer case and lid.
With all of this said, I think that if I were to buy a new Zippo, it would have to be one of those:
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I bought an Intel P3 733EB processor, a 256MB notebook RAM, a 40GB notebook HDD and finaly a 60W mini-ITX PSU. The RAM module is placed at the back side of the mobo. A compact flash card slot also situated there, so I could use it instead of IDE HDD.
Motherboard is JREX-786LCD.Janos Marton, 03.02.2006
Right... so, for about 5 weeks, I'll be one of the 2 Database Administrators in this project...
Sounds great, hope it will be so... Much to learn, much to do, just hope I'll be up to the challenge.
Cu participarea Microsoft Romania si Facultatea de Informatica Iasi, Code40 lanseaza Summer School. Summer School propune un exercitiu practic de software development in care o echipa de 19 studenti impreuna cu dezvoltatori de la Code40 vor planifica, dezvolta si livra un proiect comercial din verticala financiar bancara.
If you, my dear reader, are not romanian, you wouldn't get the feeling even if I would have written it in english...
It all started when a friend of mine gave me a link (RO) that made me remember my childhood... Yes, I am a product of the 80's too! I don't think this makes me better, just a bit different.
I have encountered this "romanian early 80's" nostalgia in many different places, like:
There has always been a generation gap like this one. The single problem that comes to my attention is that nowadays kids are not as likely to play outside as we were...
But... that is another story...
"We want to investigate how people react when they first encounter Mo, as we lovingly like to call the robot. Through one of Mo's eyes, he can watch people's responses to him following them around. It appears this is not deemed acceptable for under 18-year-olds without prior consent from their legal guardian. This presents us with a big problem as we cannot demonstrate Mo in action either to visitors or potential students." said Prof Warwick.Morgui's five senses include visual and audio, as well as a further three that are extra-sensory, as far as humans are concerned: radar, infrared, and ultrasonic.
For more info:
A PURL is a Persistent Uniform Resource Locator.
Functionally, a PURL is a URL. However, instead of pointing directly to the location of an Internet resource, a PURL points to an intermediate resolution service. The PURL resolution service associates the PURL with the actual URL and returns that URL to the client. The client can then complete the URL transaction in the normal fashion. In Web parlance, this is a standard HTTP redirect.
If you're planning to start a quick battle, then prepare your strategy and let's get it on! You'll find me there, I'm SilverAsh...
"Reality and tendency in developing Web 2.0";
the 6th edition of the Web technologies workshop.
The 1st day was great and the tutorials were very interesting: new information about plenty of up-to-date topics! Hope tomorrow's project contest will be better than last year's because the announced projects sound very interesting and the men behind them are good at what they do...
OK, all stareted when I got this link on YM (...spam, obviously) and I got it once, twice... many times, until I cracked and took a sneak peek! What can I say, it's fun and it made me smile.
Well, if anyone else thinks this melody to be so catchy, I can tell you that there is also a live video and you can also find the .mp3 version...
Are all the (young) men sexists, or is it that they are expected to be that way?
I also write about Ruby, Rails, Big Data and more.
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me I'm still looking for the source code!
Welcome to my personal blog;
here I usually write about my (computer scientist) life and things that I (will) do.
You can still find some/random posts in English only.