Hope you will take a sneek peek and also leave a comment: I always like to know what do you think about things I put here and there.
Disturb my thoughts only if you have *something* to say...
the most famous short film ever made, and anyone halfway interested in the cinema sees it sooner or later, usually several times.
Dalí me dit: Moi, cette nuit, j’ai rêvé que des fourmis pullulaient dans ma main.
Et moi: Eh bien! Moi, j’ai rêvé qu’on tranchait l’oeil de quelqu’un.
I also write about Ruby, Rails, Big Data and more.
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me I'm still looking for the source code!
Welcome to my personal blog;
here I usually write about my (computer scientist) life and things that I (will) do.
You can still find some/random posts in English only.