Accommodation and 3 meals per day are provided; all you have to do is get your tickets and get prepared for departure.
You can always find more details here!
If you happen to know even more details, please leave a comment! ;)
Disturb my thoughts only if you have *something* to say...
Accommodation and 3 meals per day are provided; all you have to do is get your tickets and get prepared for departure.
You can always find more details here!
If you happen to know even more details, please leave a comment! ;)
I also write about Ruby, Rails, Big Data and more.
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me I'm still looking for the source code!
Welcome to my personal blog;
here I usually write about my (computer scientist) life and things that I (will) do.
You can still find some/random posts in English only.