Yod'm 3D (Yet anOther Desktop Manager 3D) allows you to have virtual desktops with a 3D cube effect for the transitions on both Windows XP and Windows Vista. It is pretty much like Beryl, on Linux, but featuring only the spinning cube.
How does it work ?
- Download Yod'm 3D 1.4 (MediaFire mirror)
- Decompress the file in a folder of your choice
- Run the program
- Push the keys Ctrl + Shift and change your desktop by displacing the cube with your mouse, or by using your left and right keys.
They say that the 3D effects of this kind require a rather efficient computer. I can say that it behave very well on my laptop and I did not find it to be CPU consuming.
Yod'm 3D 1.4 is the former version that was still free. The newer versions (not free anymore) are called DeskSpace.
In afara de faptul ca iti cnsuma la greu memorie, nu mie se pare o chestie foarte utila. Din cate mi-am dat seama poate fi obositoare si confuza la un momentdat! Tu cum gasesti treaba asta?
Am mai auzit lumea spunand ca ar consuma din memorie destul de mult... Dar pana acum nu am sesizat nici o modificare in performanta sistemului. Chiar ma miram.
Cat despre partea confuza, mi-a placut ca la versiunea asta poti schimba wallpaper-ul pt fiecare dintre cele 4 desktop-uri. Poate asa e mai facil.
Inca nu m-am plictisit de el. Sper sa ma ajute sa imi impart task-urile in default, entertainment, work si... am rezervat unul special discutiilor cu prietena. Fiecare cu wallpaper sugestiv, bineinteles! :D
Daca descopar ceva sa ma nemultumeasca, am sa revin la review-ul asta cu un comment. :P
Acum ca m-am uitat mai bine, intre 50 si 70 Mb RAM nu e chiar de ici de colo... Dupa Firefoxul meu cu jdemii de taburi deschise, era a 2-a aplicatie consumatoare de memorie!
Cam mult, dar inca imi permit moftul asta...
bine ca iti permiti, dar presimt ca o sa se schimbe situatia :P
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