It's been 4 or 5 years since I've decided not to watch TV anymore... In the beginning I was thinking about buying a TV tuner, but I've dropped that idea pretty soon.
Lately, I kept an eye out for different ways to keep my girlfriend up to date with the Romanian reality. Because she is still abroad for her internship, my single option was an online alternative. This is how I found several "online TV" sites. But from most of them, I personally chose TV Cafe Romania. The winning feature for me were the movies (DivX Web Player required). I'm not saying anything about the legal side, but for the moment I'll just enjoy it! I'm just saying that it's quite a good alternative to downloading them.
Another cool site brought to life thanks to the DivX Web Player is Stage6. If you have some free time, it's really worth it.
If you know more sites similar to this one, please share! ;o)
Later edit: Thanks to Liviu, I found out about the Online Video Guide, that they say was in the "top 10 best site of the year" by Time Magazine.
Tot din seria "Televiziuni romanesti live" merita mentionata si alternativa oferita de Genium.
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