Duminica, 21 octombrie 2007, are loc inaugurarea XWiki Office Iasi, situat pe Lascar Catargi, nr 37, etajul 2, apt 4 (Berthelot colt cu Catargi, cladirea noua de vis-a-vis de spitalul de urgenta).
Vino de la ora 1800 sa sarbatorim impreuna!
Disturb my thoughts only if you have *something* to say...
Duminica, 21 octombrie 2007, are loc inaugurarea XWiki Office Iasi, situat pe Lascar Catargi, nr 37, etajul 2, apt 4 (Berthelot colt cu Catargi, cladirea noua de vis-a-vis de spitalul de urgenta).
Vino de la ora 1800 sa sarbatorim impreuna!
I also write about Ruby, Rails, Big Data and more.
I would love to change the world, but they won't give me I'm still looking for the source code!
Welcome to my personal blog;
here I usually write about my (computer scientist) life and things that I (will) do.
You can still find some/random posts in English only.
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