Am găsit în ultimul newsletter de la Tickle un test: Are you Emo?. Întâi m-a distrat la întrebarea: Do you have a blog?
- Yeah, I love it
- No, blogs are boring
- Just one? I've got more than that!
- What's a blog?
Raspunsul dat e evident, dar mai apoi aflu că sunt prea ocupat sa îmi fac un blog... Oare știu ăștia de la Tickle ca nu am mai prea scris în ultima vreme? :-?

Are You Emo?
My Result: Not Emo Enough
We're surprised you're even taking this test, frankly. Don't you have a frat party to go to or something? You're so not emo. Too busy to start up a blog and happy enough that you don't break down in tears every five minutes, you're the kind of go-getter that keeps the world moving and shaking.
You aren't obsessed with rainbows and kittens and the prom or anything, so don't be too hard on yourself. But have you ever considered the emo life? It's so in and easier than you think — all you need is a tight t-shirt from Goodwill, a Sunny Date Real Estate CD, and a little bit of black hair dye and you're good to go. Now start moping!
You aren't obsessed with rainbows and kittens and the prom or anything, so don't be too hard on yourself. But have you ever considered the emo life? It's so in and easier than you think — all you need is a tight t-shirt from Goodwill, a Sunny Date Real Estate CD, and a little bit of black hair dye and you're good to go. Now start moping!
Sunt dezamagita, nu sunt emo...deloc
But have you ever considered the emo life? :)) =)) Marketingul se aplica si la emo.
Am observat că îmi recomandă să devin emo... Oricum, a fost chiar distractiv testul. :D
ha ha... Exact acelasi rezultat am avut si eu: not enough emo.
I'm crying ...NOT :D
Eu am avut dificultati la intrebarea ce as purta zilnic. Nu ma puteam hotari intre tenisi si ochelari cu rama neagra :))
Si cu toate astea tot "Not Emo Enough" am iesit...
Nu pot sa cred!
Nu sunt tru!
Viata mea nu mai are rost...
:)) :)) foarte tare :)) :))
Se pare ca s-a stricat testul... au consumat celelalte rapunsuri și au mai rămas doar cele cu "Not Emo Enough"...
Tre' să îmi iau ochelari! :P
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