Today I've been told that if he/she gets the wrong perception, as long as I have my idea well defined, it's his/her problem, not mine. I know it depends, but I have to realize that there is also this possibility...
In some teams in AIESEC we didn't vote, because everybody was supposed to agree with the decision before it was taken...
Until an alumnus said:
"No, we vote! The ones that don't agree will have to live with it."
I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
Bill Cosby

Asa este.. Nu trebuie sa ne traim viata incercand sa multumim pe cei din jur .. Trebuie sa fim noi multumiti de noi insine , de lucrurile pe care le facem si de felul nostru de a gandi Asta este cel mai important
nu pe toti dar macar o parte. partea care conteaza. nu poti nici sa traiesti doar pentru tine
Cel mai bine e sa fim noi insine.. Un lucru destul de dificil, pentru ca daca iti pui o masca esti mai greu de ranit..
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