Friday, November 20, 2009

November Web 2009

November Web 2009 -- a VIII-a ediție

Mâine: eveniment Web!

NovemberWeb este un workshop de promovare a bunelor practici în domeniul dezvoltării prezenței online și a aplicațiilor web. Evenimentul face legătura între mediul academic și cel de afaceri. Anul acesta a ajuns la a VIII-a ediție, fiind unul de tradiție.

Mai multe detalii la

Monday, November 16, 2009

my Ubuntu 9.10 news

OK, I had a "fun" with the Karmic Koala including wireless and graphical drivers, I'm finally on a lead that "might" work for my PPPoE connection, an then I ask myself: What could go worse?

Well, it seems that my new Koala friend is always there with an answer:

Bad HDD sectors report on Ubuntu 9.10

Don't worry, it's just my back-up drive! ;)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Digi Net Mobil de la RCS&RDS

După o serie de telefoane și discuții cu serviciul de spuport clienți ai RCS&RDS, am într-un final activat serviciul de Internet mobil - Digi Net Mobil!

Ca receptor, am primit un HUAWEI E156G HDSPA USB Stick, ce limitează automat viteza maximă de la 7.2 Mbps la 3.6 Mbps (respectiv 384 Kbps în protocol WCDMA). Normal, aceste viteze variază enorm, în funcție de puterea semnalului.
Spre exemplu, într-un apartament din Iași, cu ziduri ceva mai groase, viteza poate avea valorile următoare:

RCS & RDS viteza Internet mobil

Monday, November 09, 2009

Zidul Berlinului - 20 de ani

Azi, 09/11/2009, se împlinesc 20 de ani de la căderea zidului Berlinului.

Good bye Lenin! Cu această ocazie, Centrul Cultural German Iași organizează în această seară un Filmabend, începând cu ora 20:30, la Casa de Cultură "Mihai Ursachi" din Parcul Copou. Filmul ales pentru a ne introduce în atmosfera acelor timpuri este Good bye Lenin! (nominalizat pentru Globul de Aur, plus alte 31 de premii și 14 nominalizări).

Deși l-am vizionat cu plăcere și cu ocazia Festivalului Internațional de Film de la Iași, mă veți regăsi printre spectatori!

Vizionare plăcută!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

What is on your bookshelf?

3. Two years ago I joined, and I liked the idea! It was my first contact with a a social cataloging web application for storing and sharing personal library catalogs and book lists.

2. One year ago (while reading about Pro Django) I found out about an interesting web application that again allowed users to add a dash of social to their book lists, but from what I was able to see, it was way smarter! But it had invitation-only subscriptions. :(

1. Today I read the Reading List apprenticeship pattern, so I remembered the applications mentioned before... could I use those as tools fitted for this job?


So, given this scenario, today I joined It's the application I mentioned at step 2 and it's still in beta. The main reason for choosing it is the time dimension: I can easily look back on my activity and know when did I start reading a specific book, how much do I still have to read etc.

Another feature that I appreciate most is that I can add notes to a book; this makes it easy to record the ideas I find inspiring.

Readernaut is a social network for book lovers. Although you may find several other sites that tried to merge the books and reading aspects around the social networking features, the completeness of Readernaut's offerings are likely the most important thing that make its users to get excited about it.

Even if I found quite a few smart and helpful features, I wasn't able to find the completeness (at least not yet). Maybe one day I will write an article on my vision of Readernaut's future development...

But until then, I'm asking you: What social-network-for-book-lovers do you use?

Monday, November 02, 2009


My scenario:
I landed on, filled in the subscription form with my:

  • Email
  • Password
  • Surname
  • Name
  • Phone number

and I got my instance:Scoala De Eficienta screen

My problem:

  1. this page has no title! Now I have a funny Untitled Page button in my taskbar. I can easily lose focus on my activity - just switch to another tab for a second and the former tab has no personality whatsoever.
  2. Great, I have a new account, let's log in... Username?!? But I never got the chance to chose one in the first place! Oh, wait... do they mean my email?
  3. ...not to mention that the rest of the site is in Romanian ans all of the sudden there is a field which requires my input but who has a label in English. Where is the consistency?

My conclusion: Why make your user think instead of making him be more efficient?