Did they mention global warming?
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Yeahh.. right, global warming -25 :D Get an icecream :))
well it could be an effect of global warming, but then again it could be just winter :P
-25 is a perfect temp. to say that WILL be a global warning. :))
global freezing maybe
This thing with the global warming tends to be a big, plain bullsh..The new trend now is to find out with every day that passes all kinds of information and all kinds of people are accusing now that we have been lied in our faces.
Global warming is really a catchy subject. Concerning global warming people really must do something, because it's a concerning situation.
"global freezing" it's actually the effect of global warming. From now on, we will have longer and colder winters, longer and hotter summers and there wont be anymore 4 seasons, only 2.
That's just an aspect of global warming, hot periods followed by really cold ones.
It was just an illusion. it's just the ice age saying "hello"
Sunt perioade normale intre glaciatiuni, degeaba ne aburesc ei cu global warming. Americanii mai bine s-ar apuca de lucruri serioase.
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